September marks an important and deeply meaningful month in the realm of mental health awareness – Suicide Prevention Month. In honor of this month, Community Support after Suicide (CSAS) and PCH are hosting guest speakers for the September meetings on the 15th and 16th. Jenny and Harry Bruell, authors of “The After Journey: a survivor’s guide after the death of a loved one by suicide,” will be joining us to share their experiences after the loss of their daughter at the age of 14.  

Suicide is a complex issue that touches countless lives and communities. Individuals who experience suicidal thoughts often grapple with emotional dysregulation, overwhelming distress, and a sense of isolation. Peachtree Comprehensive Health stands united with communities worldwide to raise awareness, spread hope, and offer support to those who may be struggling with their mental well-being. This month serves as a poignant reminder that by joining forces, we can create a world where every individual feels heard, valued, and understood.

One of the most significant barriers to seeking help for mental health issues is the stigma associated with it. Throughout September, let's collectively work to shatter this stigma. By sharing stories of recovery, resilience, and hope, we can challenge misconceptions and foster an atmosphere of empathy and understanding. It's essential to realize that mental health struggles are not a sign of weakness, but rather a testament to human strength in the face of adversity.

We hope that you will join us for one of our September meetings. This complimentary event is open to the community. We kindly ask for participants to RSVP for the date they will be attending.


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When and How to End a Therapeutic Relationship