It’s SPOOKY Season

With the holidays coming around, the season can be spookier than we’d like. Events, traveling, and extended time with family can cause stress and anxiety that we don’t usually have during the rest of the year. Figuring out ways to cope ahead and prepare ourselves for these times is the best way to ensure less stress and anxiety when tackling the “spooky season”. Here are some tips from the University of Florida on how to manage stress during the holidays:

  1. Plan Ahead and Get Organized - Create a list, create budgets, and do your best to shop or plan before your event!

  2. Set Realistic Expectations- Remember life is full of surprises and you can’t prepare for everything. Also remember you can’t control those around you!

  3. Take Care of Yourself- Getting plenty of rest and eating that are good for us and or just make us feel good is a great way to practice self care during this time!

  4. Manage Your Thoughts- Reframe and Reflect, if something negative happens, the quicker we are able to remember all of the positive things that happened will help us practice gratitude and positive thinking!

When you take the time to give yourself goals and grace, you will also be able to take care of yourself and enjoy the spooky season a little more!


Childhood Attachment and Relationship Functioning


Self Compassion