WOAH, We’re Halfway There!

Did you know that July 2nd is the halfway point through the year. There are 182 days behind us and 183 days ahead of us (not including in a leap year). The month of July allows us to reflect on how we are doing and where we want to go for the remainder of the year. Bon Jovi has a song lyric where he says Woah we’re halfway there, woah oh living on a prayer. I encourage you to channel your inner Bon Jovi and notice we are really have way there and if you want to live on a prayer and go with the flow of the rest of the year. If you do not want to channel that free living you can vision what you want the next 182 days to look like. Maybe that means calling a friend you have not spoken to, or taking a break from the city and drive to the mountains for the day or even jotting down a goal(s) you might have. Enjoy the summer and enjoy the time to see what the next half of the year can bring!

Nissa White, APC

Nissa is a professional counselor and intensively trained DBT therapist, who provides individual and group therapy for patients struggling with anxiety, mood disorders and executive functioning issues. She enjoys working with children, adolescents and adults. She is also trained in rehabilitation counseling and integrates educational rehabilitation and work rehabilitation into her treatment planning through coaching. She integrates these modalities with behavioral skills training in order to provide effective treatment for her patients.


Optimizing Our Internal DIalogue


Highly Sensitive Parent