Me, Mine, and Milestones

Join other parents of pre-school to elementary aged children in a space for support. Parents will have the opportunity to gain an understanding of developmental milestones and how that places their child in the therapeutic world. You as a parent will be able to discover the misconceptions of child development and form a sense of community while engaging with other parents. The goal of the group is to have a better grasp on your child's every day life and help you determine whether or not you, your child, or your family might benefit and be interested in therapy outside of the group setting. 

Group meets on Mondays from 6-7:30pm and will be facilitated by Alex Elliott.

The group is currently scheduled to start on Monday, April 22nd.

There is NO COST to attend.

All interested parents are encouraged to complete the interest questionnaire below.


DBT Skills Classes


DBT-Child Classes