Optimizing Our Internal DIalogue

One of the core principles to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) suggests that our thinking impacts the way we feel and therefore behave. With that in mind, checking in with ourselves to ensure that we're thinking in optimal, helpful ways is essential.

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OCD, ACT, CBT Maria Silva, PsyD OCD, ACT, CBT Maria Silva, PsyD

The Unwelcome Party Guest

Perhaps you’ve been there: You’ve hosted a party or have attended a party in which someone arrives that perhaps would not have made your list of top people to invite. Maybe someone brought them along, your spouse said you couldn’t not invite them, or better yet, they invited themselves.

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Stress and Anxiety, COVID, CBT Luke Smith, LMSW Stress and Anxiety, COVID, CBT Luke Smith, LMSW

Say Goodbye to Unhelpful Worries: Coping with the Unknown

If you’re anything like me, you LOVE certainty. When we are certain about something, we can plan, we can relax, we can enjoy. Yet as you know, life is not always certain. We are unsure of when we will be able to freely leave our homes and interact with others in the ways that we used to, among many other lingering doubts.

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