Returning to School: A Parent’s Sweet Dream Turned Nightmare
Once upon a time, in a land not too, too far away, their lived parents with children eagerly awaiting a slight drop in temperature, a turning of the leave, signifying the fading of summer and ushering in the fall. This was a time of joy and festivity in all the land.

The “New Normal”
As stay at home orders are lifted, many people are asking themselves what the “new normal” will be like, whether there was ever truly a “normal,” or whether establishing their own sense of “normalcy” will be possible.

Couples Who Quarantine Together…
There is an assumption in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) that, based on current circumstances, patients are doing the best they can. Never has this been more true than right now as we’re all doing the best we can to cope during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tame (or Tickle) Your Temper
Are your emotional breaks failing during the stay-at-home order? Perhaps you find you are running on a shorter fuse, are lashing out more often, or just cannot seem to find the patience you usually reserve for friends, family, or even your pets.

Just Keep Moving
Recently, it has become more important than ever for us to take care of our bodies. Restrictions, limitations, and closings have unfortunately led us (and without a doubt myself) to be more secluded, docile, and without access to important resources such as gyms, fitness centers, and parks. Is the effort worth it?

Coping with Coronavirus in the LGBTQIA+ Community
Lately, it feels like the whole world is talking about vulnerable populations. The elderly, the immuno-compromised, and people with pre-existing health conditions such as diabetes. For the LGBTQIA+ community, the concept of vulnerable populations is anything but new–in fact, it’s a daily experience of living in insecurity for housing, food, and access to mental health care.

Paying it Forward
The images of people vying for supplies and food in the aisles of the supermarket, or the short-staffed hospital workers without access to proper protective equipment are etched in our minds these days.

Resources for the COVID-19 Crisis
We have all had to learn how to adjust to our “new normal” during this worldwide crisis. We have had to wear masks in public, cancel vacations, and busy ourselves with the things that never seem to get off the to do list.

Beyond Social Distancing: Importance of Boundaries
Given the level of uncertainty recently, it’s felt nearly impossible to avoid a near constant stream of bad news. As we begin to settle into new patterns, I thought it would be helpful for us to address some ways that we can get a head start on upending our usual ways of responding to uncertainty.

Say Goodbye to Unhelpful Worries: Coping with the Unknown
If you’re anything like me, you LOVE certainty. When we are certain about something, we can plan, we can relax, we can enjoy. Yet as you know, life is not always certain. We are unsure of when we will be able to freely leave our homes and interact with others in the ways that we used to, among many other lingering doubts.

Coronavirus: Anxiety & OCD
Coronavirus: It’s like we have developed a serious case of the “cooties” overnight.